- SPECIAL BLESSING FOR THE MONTH: Today is the Last Sunday of the month. There shall be a special thanksgiving for those born in the month of January and those who had wedding anniversaries or any special celebration during this month.
- LAITY COLLECTION: Today’s Second Collection, being the 5th Sunday, is for the Laity Council at all levels. Please let us donate generously. One Church! One Laity!
- FEAST DAY: Thursday, February 2nd, 2023, is the feast of the Presentation of our Lord in the Temple, forty days after Christmas. We are all expected to attend mass on that day and come with our candles for the Ceremony of Light and Procession. There will masses at the usual times.
- DAY OF CONSECRATED LIFE:Thursday, February 2nd, 2023, is also the world Day of Consecrated Life. Let us remember all our Religious especially the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus (EHJ) and Religious Sisters of Charity (RSC) Sisters in our prayers.
- FIRST FRIDAY COMMUNION TO THE SICK AND HOME-BOUND: The First Friday visit and communion to the sick and home-bound comes up this Friday, September 2nd, 2022.
- FIRST SATURDAY: The First Saturday Marian Devotion and Rosary Procession comes up this Saturday February 4th, 2022 after the 6:30am Mass.
- TITHE SUNDAY: Next Sunday is Tithe Sunday, those who wish to pay their tithes should pick up an envelope for use next week. You can also make your transfers to our Fidelity Bank 5080032193 in favour of Holy Family Catholic Church, Festac.
- SEMINARIAN: Our seminarian, MrAugustineAnyanwushall be leaving our parish next week having completed his 6 months Pastoral work here at Holy Family. We wish him God’s blessings as he continues his journey to the priesthood.
- PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL (NEW NAIRA NOTES): Let us kindly note that the old 1,000, 500 and 200 naira notes will no longer be accepted for offertory or other payments from Tuesday, 31st January 2023. Let us kindly adhere to the Central Bank of Nigeria deadline
- CHRISTIAN WAKE: There will be Christian Wake for Late Mr Macaulay Augustine Ogunmola on Tuesday, 31st January 2023 by 6:00pm (Venue:2nd Avenue, 201 Road, A Close, Block 5, Flat 4,Festac Town). He was a member of St. Michael Society.
- CHURCH KNEELERS:We wish to humbly appeal to you our dear parishioners to please kindly avoid stepping on the kneelers in the church.
- PARISH UNIFORM: Our high-quality uniform is now available at the parish bookshop. Price: 8,000 naira only. Limited quantity available.
- NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF KNOTS: Our Parish novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots comes up every month from the 1st to 9th of the month. Let us participate actively with the prayers on the various parish platforms.
- HARVEST PLEDGE REDEMPTION: We wish to encourage all parishioners to kindly redeem their pledges at the Harvest Stand (On Sunday) and the parish office (during the week) in cash, cheque or POS and get a receipt. You can as well pay directly to the Harvest Account; HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH, HARVEST, ZENITH 1014506326.
- DONATE A PEW: We wish to express our deepest appreciation to all our parishioners for your generosity towards our “Donate a Pew Project Launch for our New Church Building”. May God bless you all abundantly. Further donations and pledge redemption can be done to the account- Holy Family Catholic Church, Zenith 1011876127, at the Parish Office or at the Booth opposite the Parish Bookshop.
- PRE-MARRIAGE COURSE: This is to inform all parishioners that Pre-Marriage Classes has been rescheduled to hold from 10:00am to 12noon (Venue:Omisesan Hall), and no longer 4:00pm to 6:00pm.Those who intend to get married are to see any of the priests at the Parish Office.
- HOLY CHILD CHOIR: Are you a child between the ages of 7- 16 years and a lover of music? Do you want to develop the art of singing? Then join the Children Choir on Fridays (Omisesan Hall) – 5:30pm and Saturday (Upper Hall)– 12:00pm. Parents are also encouraged to support and permit their children/ward(s) to join the Holy Child Choir.
- PARISH ID CARDS: This is to inform parishioners that the Parish ID cards of those who registered since last year and beyond are ready for collection at the Parish Office, kindly go to the Parish Office to check. Also, we encourage our new members to please register at the Parish Office and those whose card is expired can as well renew at the Parish Office.
- HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC PARISH LIBRARY: We are pleased to inform you that the Anthony Cardinal Okogie Reference (Parish) Library located beside the Anthony Cardinal Okojie Lower Hall is here to serve you better. At very affordable prices, we offer the following services: Photocopying, Lamination, Binding, Spiral Binding, Typing, Printing, Colored Photocopyetc. We also offer a vast range of books ranging from Literature to Accounting to Economics and a lot more. Working Hours: Mondays to Fridays. Time: 9am- 4pm. God bless you as you patronize us. For further enquiries on how to use to library or any of its services, please call: 09036389533 or 08169228063 (Ms. Chinwe).
- (1%) ONE PERCENT BIBLE CHALLENGE: We wish to encourage all Parishioners to read and study the word of God for at least 15minutes every day; which is about 1% of 24 hours. For this week, we shall be continuing with the Book of 1 Samuel. Take up this challenge faithfully as stated below and be enriched spiritually.
Day/Month | Bible Passages | |
30 January | 1 Samuel | Chapter 18 |
31January | 1 Samuel | Chapter 19 |
1 February | 1 Samuel | Chapter 20 |
2 February | 1 Samuel | Chapters 21 & 22 |
3 February | 1 Samuel | Chapter 23 |
4 February | 1 Samuel | Chapter 24 |
5 February | 1 Samuel | Chapter 25 |
- RETURN TO THE SACRAMENTS: We wish to encourage those who have been estranged from the sacraments for one reason or the other especially the Holy Eucharist, to return to the Sacraments. Kindly meet any of the Priests if you are having any difficulty in this regard. May Christ grant us life through His Body and Blood. Amen.