THE EMERGENCE OF CONTRACEPTION continued. The “Prophesies” of Pope Paul VI as contained in his encyclical Humanae Vitae To be…
Updates from the Parish
THE EMERGENCE OF CONTRACEPTION continued. The “Prophesies” of Pope Paul VI as contained in his encyclical Humanae Vitae To be…
THE EMERGENCE OF CONTRACEPTION (The Hydra-headed problem) AND THE TEACHING OF THE CHURCH (continued) Before we continue our discussion on…
THE EMERGENCE OF CONTRACEPTION (The Hydra-headed problem) AND THE TEACHING OF THE CHURCH (continued) Before we continue our discussion on…
THE EMERGENCE OF CONTRACEPTION (The Hydra-headed problem) AND THE TEACHING OF THE CHURCH –cont’d (Sr. Kelechi) Observing today how rampart…
THE EMERGENCE OF CONTRACEPTION (The Hydra-headed problem) AND THE TEACHING OF THE CHURCH –cont’d (Sr. Kelechi) Observing today how rampart…
THE EMERGENCE OF CONTRACEPTION AND THE TEACHING OF THE CHURCH –continued. (Sr. Kelechi) Elements of contraception were present among nations…
CONTRACEPTION IS INTRINSICALLY EVIL – It is a LIE! 1. A little historical Background may be helpful: a. Children are…
CONTRACEPTION IS INTRINSICALLY EVIL – It is a LIE! Dear Friends, we shall continue our discussion by considering the number…
The concept that natural family planning is difficult was a calculated attempt by the agents of the culture of death…